Welcome to Bankhouse Medical Practice
Welcome along to our surgery website where we hope you will quickly benefit from a user friendly layout and a wealth of information about our healthcare services. Find out when we’re open and what to do when we’re not, all from the comfort of your own home.
If you have symptoms of coronavirus please do not attend the practice unless you have been given an appointment by one of our clinicians. When you do attend the practice please ensure you wear a mask and please arrive at your appointment time.
Further advice regarding coronavirus is available on NHS Inform website
Our team are dedicated to your continued good health and approach your care with professionalism, discretion and friendliness.
When you contact the practice our receptionists will ask for some information regarding the reason for your call. They have been asked to do so on behalf of the doctor's or other clinicians in the practice. This is to ensure you are directed to the most appropriate person or service to help you and can reduce the length of time you might wait.
Telephone System
You will be aware that we have a new telephone system in place. This has been provided to all of the practices in Airdrie Community Health Centre by nhs Lanarkshire. We have tried where we can to have as few options on the system as possible. There is now a queuing system when phoning for an appointment at 8.15am and all available staff are answering calls to reduce your wait time.
In order to help reduce the length of time you are waiting we ask that patients have their contact telephone number to hand when you are speaking to our receptionists.
(Site updated 21/04/2023)